Thursday, August 6, 2020

Where Has Love Gotten Us?

       Amidst all of the things, writings and tasks this disabled being has to do to change his circumstances, answering this question for myself, for all of you, I rate as dire and critically important.  In all honesty, we hear messages and are asked things when it comes to happiness and especially responsibility.  My responsibility is to answer this below…
Where has love gotten you?

        For educational purposes, let’s just view love in all it's possibilities.  Love helps families exist. Families create communities and thus cities and nations are born.  Where has love taken me?  Well Love my friend, has taken me to travel with friends, to help countless others, to help build and provide in new ways, to move with my ex to New York City, to be brave and allow myself to be open to the possibility of falling in love with my high school sweetheart. Can you believe that love has brought me to you my friend?
 How exactly has love brought us here? 

Well if we do not know each other, picture yourself concerned about your own well being, your ability to socialize, to matter to another, to be recognized for who you are or the ability to be able to check on a Family member or friend.  All of these reasons and more are why we use social media, right?  Think of it this way, you are practicing self love and more when you log on, simply to see what’s up.  The social part of your humanity in the Subconscious sense, cares about your mental health and socialization!
 Caring about yourself as well as caring about others is one of the simplest yet humble and Noble things a person can do.  
       What I really want you to think about with this post, to come away with, is to seriously and consciously realize how powerful this force we call Love, actually is and can be.  One question I used to hear when I was much younger was “Is it better to be feared or to be loved?” The answer to this is now less complex for me for a few reasons, some of which I'll leave for y'all in s different post titled Fear vs Love.  The first reason is the understanding of self sacrifice.
As a parent, I now look through a completely different lens that I previously had when lives did not depend on me.  As a father I look at the sacrifices made as not strenuous, stressful or tedious but things that “needed to he done.”
       The largest thing I now know about Love is knowing that I will do anything to protect those which I love and sacrifice for.  I would pull the stars from the sky for my children and I am trying to do that now!  I realize the fight within myself and the “no holds barred, you better stay the fuck out of my way,” demeanor when I feel my family is being threatened.  Looking back at those nature shows I love so much, it is now easy to realize why specific animals, parents fight all unbelievable odds to protect their offspring. 

       For the reason of freedom as well as to protect home, I understand completely why people, when fighting on their own soil during a war, tend to naturally fight harder and strategically for the places and lands they love.  (Just look at Vietnam, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq and others) You see, love can even conquer the conquistador. I’m not talking about changing someone’s mind about fighting in the first place, or rethinking a fight or conflict, I am talking about the ability, strength and will required to beat unsurmountable odds.  I’m not saying that you cannot win a disagreement, fight or conflict without war.  What I am saying is that the party, individual, group, community or government which is fighting for a reason tied to this unseen gasoline called Love, is indeed more likely to be much more dangerous as well as prepared against the force they are fighting.

       When fighting for love, we automatically reach deep past a strength we cannot see within ourselves and bring it forth to he challenged without question.   We as humans do things that seem to be humanly impossible.  We use the survivalist instinct suppressed in order to ensure that those we love, can endure.  We do not only get stronger but we inherently get more creative and inventive with the task at hand… to let no harm befall those we cherish and value in our existence as priceless.  We move mountains so that we can, if possible, prevent suffering, hardship and death to those which  we care about most.

I do this every now and then when writing these thingies.  I ask an open-ended question, just for you to think on.  What for you is worth fighting for?  When you know what that is, I also would like to ask, do you believe that there are any circumstances or reasons why you would choose not to fight?  Let me be frank, now the power of love is so strong that a physical fight or confrontation might never need to occur in order to achieve the goals and get the answers we seek.

Love can stop the opposition in it’s tracks, especially if it knows the overpowering force that they are up against.  Love can cause people to find innovative ways to protect themselves, to protect those they love, build wiser, to pay attention to details and love provides focus to the pursuer.  With focus and clarity, the one sacrificing time, energy, effort, emotions gains the ability to build for others, whether it be a physical sanctuary as a house, or an idea(s) to change the life of another in a positive way.  To be more serious, I can say with confidence that it is purely Love which is lacking in communities as well as in many governments.  Lastly I want to remind that love survives all odds, builds healthy Families, builds empires and it is only love alone that lead successful revolts of the past and has many times, won revolutions!  

As usual, I have left a poem for you to enjoy.  Persistence, Purpose, Patience, Prosperity and Inner-peace! -Sekou Mensah Black

A seed awaits just as we do
As much as time allows one to survive
Faithful and patient for the main event
For things to change, there must be a key ingredient
Dark heavy clouds agree in unison to open up
Pouring the liquid equivalent to what we know as Love
So knowing this we can begin to understand 
How exactly the most simple of organisms
Thrive in spite of
With conditions we deem unfit for life
Stepping up to Nature’s challenges & demands
The story was started before seeds hit soils or
Much before life in any place was placed to show Granted opportunity to exist, no matter what and
With winds, we too travel'd far
Some came on ships, some on Airplanes while others
Shot straight down from an unknown star
Being let go, to fend for themselves some question
Was this some sick mistake or was this pre-destined?
Whether Creator exists at all teaching ethical lessons
Keep it positive, keep it moving & keep em' guessing
I cannot speak on what I do not know but
If they think struggle and folly got me here 
They must first remember 
That Love finds no reason to brag
Especially when it already shows much
As some say the journey is not important yet
We cannot discount the struggles of any seed nor
Belittle ways in which the destination was achieved
“Give me rain,” some seeds say while others
Entertain many with the thought that
It was them who watered and raised themselves
Because no one wants to think of a seed screaming
That Neglect is possibly one sure way to reach
A very unforgiving and scorching hell

Waiting Seeds 

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