There is so much going on today. Happenings, instances, and events in our own lives, with our families, within our communites, behind walls, lack of unity with the world but explosive interaction in our online social networks, enviroment EARTH, country, our children and right beyond our very own doorstep, there is so much going on.
What's going on with us, with society? What battles are within us that prevent us from caring what happens on a massive scale? Like Marvin Gaye said "What's goin on?" We all hold the power to change what we don't like around us, it's impossible to change others but influence is as powerful as group thinking and herd mentality is dangerous. I'll be addressing this on Monday. For now Let me leave you with a poem. Have a great, fun & peace-filled weekend family and friends. Passion, Purpose, Patience, Progress, Persistence Prosperity & Inner-Peace.
Sincerely Yours,
Sekou M. Black
Blood speaks loudly as it falls to spilling slow, then
Silently still, it cracks as it settles on gravel
Asphalt, trestles of cold chills where
Everywhere is the wrong side of the tracks
Our will… is not any different than the animals
In our inherent ways we change the instinct within us
From feeling and preconceiving greatness to reckless destruction
Escaping truth, leaving love desolate and justice tossed around & displaced
Like trailer-parks in tornadic winds and carefully placed bricks that cause us to question
Our very own creator’s will, mercy and grace
As floods sweep lands raped by genetically modified corn & soy for man
A boy sits on porch steps watching dark clouds circle and collect
Patient he waits
For winds to howl lightning to scowl illuminating the darkness with each burning strike
He does nothing but be
Why is it so hard for us to just be?
But if it is greed or power, showers of deceit and
Cowards that lie steal & cheat with ease, how come?
We ask
How Come, how has it come to be these truths that fall like hot blood from skies?
Where are the promising seeds of hope and cool breezes of change?
It has been a struggle of promise(s) we must bring through promised struggles
These days repeating like past with caution choose we,
When we were supposedly chosen to…
When we should all be concerned about us
Should we?
Violent pen strokes between these pages, loose leaf and
Fingers grow tired & wrists hurt from typing for them
But not me
Although I might have to although
I love to live
For I know in my heart and everything
That the world is much more simpler than we contort it to be
As strange dust settles on windowsills from silt we create
Products we praise & get so caught up in material ways
Waging war on ourselves time and time again
From Desert scar to rain forest stripped and left polluted… tar
Babies cry wishing they were born in a different time frame
As the picture grows grim around us the light dims and spotlights send rays
Instead of the sun
With flack jackets stun guns gas cannons and pepper spray
We misbehave
As Earth rights the wrongs
We selfishly misbehave ensnaring others like high mortgage rates
When we ourselves are the slaves
Admitting to nothing
Benefiting nothing that is real yet
Trying to… claiming to own and know everything
For nothing
For we are only as constant as the rising seas & as life altering as disease
There is so much that sees us although
We haven’t seen much or have even touched
Ideas like inventions that now prove magic real
Through all madness and tragic happenings there is us
Strangers and trust
Love dangerous us so ultimately
There is no song that separates us
No Separate Song