Bouncing back if anything should be a subject I'm quite familiar with and should have no problem talking with you about right? Truth there is, is no certain, particular way, nor formula for doing it.
If I could mold my soul into the essence of those big little silicone and rubber balls I give my son, I wouldn't have an issue with bouncing yet the courage it takes for us just to stand in the middle of the storm when weight is upon us
can be overwhelming.
Life has a way of shedding light on things and definitely on adding to character, which I've found much of which attributed to my accident and the way in which those I know have changed around me. Perspective and the the grounding of a person's morale nature are what keep them solid. I've gained much in the perspective category I believe. Solidity, come see how solid I've become! Unfortunately I can't say the same for others as I've watched relationships change and crumble during this difficult time, marking a definite clear path I'm meant to walk, with a deep foundation!
Bouncing back for me takes courage! To look people in the face, to demand your place, to fight for others while fighting for yourself... takes courage and lots of it. Folks question my intentions and actions constantly, test my seriousness and ability to come through and perhaps whoop their ass as well so yes, up out of this wheelchair I am! Yes we might loose things or things might get taken from us (Loved ones, I almost lost my life in October, all of my things and writings n laptop stolen last week) but we are bigger than things and our circumstances. We are life! It takes courage to press on into the unknown for what we don't expect can occur, yet Faith is what will carry us to safer waters and beautiful shores and Hope in the smile from an innocent child is the fuel that will get us there.