Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Living vs-Existing: The Great Love Story

every story about personal struggle, sacrifice or preserving life in some way is always a love story!

               Purpose, as I was never taught, is one of the fundamental foundations at the base of our being in what we know and qualify as existence.  As we wake up in the morning, we are driven to some type of achievement whether spoken or unspoken. There are determining factors on how we choose to spend what we choose to define as Time.  Deciding to take a step, put food into ones stomach for energy, or head in the right direction towards a means to make some money. Every decision I make is carefully planned to a “T,” being both disabled and now, unfortunately without income. 
                I have to decide how much gas I will throw into my van, which foods I can afford to get until the church feeding later.  I have to think and wonder how I will get to my disability hearing at the end of this month but one thing is for sure.  Along with being homeless, having some new strange health stuff going on like a seizure last week and some more bs… I cannot forget to live!  Although I’m in my own situation, when I see someone worst off it doesn’t hurt to lend a hand and it doesn’t take much just to take a moment and send a prayer. 

               Living for me, is making sure those that care for me and that I care most about live well and remain happy.  Living happy is very important, as for someone who has overcome being depressed for many years in a row, being unhappy is definitely not living.  Being negative and losing focus can take away one thing you will never get back or understand which it this concept we have built called Time.  Living is enjoying moments, nature, family, people, smiles and personalities in this short burst of sunshine we’re granted called an existence, or a human life.  In telling my fiancĂ© I constantly love her, the eye contact, the small thoughtful things, the conversations, listening.  In calling my son because I want him to remember well the last time I told him that I love him.   In my understandings, existence transcends the body as well as what we know as the physical constructs of the mind, for this Life we know is only one journey amongst many.

               I am a firm believer in… a lot of stuff.  I believe in a divine plan, no matter how that plan ends and how I am wrapped up in that plan.  Like the animals of the Earth, I have accepted my callings and purposes.  Fighting against what is natural, inevitable, in a world around me as well as within myself is impossible.  What I can do however is choose to try my best to make the world which I experience around myself and my loved ones, a bit better, as much as I can. 

               We must all ask ourselves these questions at some point, when it comes to self, others we care about such as family and loved ones, “What can I do, What will I do to sacrifice,” or “Is there anything threatening the Quality of life and General Happiness of  those I will do anything to protect?”  When those answers begin flying back at you then it is when you must decide when and how will you… “fight, the good fight?” What stances will you take and what attitudes will you assume in order to get the job done?  If you have children, what type of behavior and attitude will you model to show what it is to live a quality life? How will you relay the compassionate messages about life and existing vs-living to them? 

               If you are in a serious relationship or in the beginning stages of possibly nurturing one, what type of messages will you send them on a daily basis?  I like to remind people that life in general is a miracle and requires lots of elements to survive in our harsh environment. Even dandelions that grow from ghetto sidewalks need to morning dew and rain in order to first sprout forth.  Those dandelions hold nutrients to fight cancers and they even quickly seed to blow away, providing the promise of even more dandelions.  Relationships are the same way except you cannot wait for a miracle to fall on it or morning dew, you have to water it and nurture it yourself.  If you don’t someone else will!   I’m just sayin, some pick dandelions for their salads, I’ve seen it at Whole Check (Whole Foods). Poem below folk!!!  Also, if you are able to contribute and help out this writer in any capacity , please simply support by buying me a coffee using the link below. I can be emailed at Oh yeah, don't forget.,.,.,., Poem Below!!

Angels nor dragons are to be found behind any cloud to hide since
Creepy clouds collect colliding in chemical-derived atmospheric skies
While we plant the seeds our grandfathers have not given us
They fought hard so we could be here while we, some forget family begin giving up
As a loving young couple kisses reminding us that this magic does still exist
Or is it that he has yet to hear the drowning sound of selfishness and pride and her
Void of “I can get have that better elsewhere,” when the rain still blows in sideways when it storms but
There are those like the cactus, the yucca
Ones that have their seeds sewn strong like the pine and
Even though there is little flame attitude like, “shoot, it’s go’n all be just fine… trust me”
Truths through flame, pain seed burst however only scorching truths to no lies
Being strong has its perks as years digress with brain cells as well as how well we make fake foods digest
No one steps aside to care whether a dandelion dies
As it is found amongst all of these souls that care none
It still moves towards the light in mornings as the sun comes
Remains still as small hands swoop down to pick it and blow it some
Giving joy to child, pestering the white man with the perfect lawn,
Cousin to the rose, brother to the mustard green, food for the fawn
Reminding us how short our try at our concept of life may be
That our roots are also short and we are not tall strong trees
A sign of strength, life and natural defiance
You’ve become a totally different person the moment you can pick wisdom
From Sidewalk Dandelions

Sidewalk Dandelions