thousand words daily
one thousand words daily: Day 21
Comraderies and Smiles: Building Right Where We Are
As if breathing was not simple
enough… there are many moments which can force or under pressure, persuade us
to slow down, relish in the moment and take stock in. Being and living in a fast-paced environment
can sometimes put a choke hold on our spirit.
I believe that we were designed to work in a community environment where
all needs are close by and usually met.
In this journey called existence, it is of utmost importance that we
learn to exercise a few goods habits.
There are many things which could help us be more successful, stronger,
more intelligent and attractive yet it seems as though more negative habits are
passed down than good ones.
For some, practicing good habits
means physical exercise as in physical wellness. With others, good habits might include eating
healthy or being in a healthy relationship, while cutting off poisonous
relationships. Poisonous relationships
from home to work have a tendency to sometimes stunt our intellectual as well
as spiritual growth. Maintaining balance
with relationships in our social lives, whether it is family or impersonal is
crucial for ones well-being. One of
these good habits is surprisingly within our social nature.
Understanding or yet, ‘the attempt
to understand,’ others can often offer the best lessons. Since we live similar, i.e.; eat, drink and
require the same elements for survival, it seems that more individuals should
share common ground and easily find it. Common
ground is often shared when ownership is not attached, such a property, land,
socio-economic circumstances or the institution of a criterion which
acknowledges differences such as the dangerous “isms,” of racism or
classism. When individuals can pay
attention to the details of the lives of others and in turn, can empathize with
their situation, whether it is success-driven or struggle-ridden, the ability
to connect and understand what another has to endure on a situational or daily
basis can much easier be realized. The
Truth of the matter is when we understand others, we become more inclined to
assist them, thus we do not feel the urgency of need or guilt associated with
not helping, but feel more comfortable in executing the task of “lending a
helping hand.”
Trust is an underlying issue in any
relationship, whether familial or business.
Positioning yourself in any situation of education, personal growth, and
business growth, growth with family or in a relationship to be ready to trust
is a milestone. Some of us might have
been burned or burdened when we decided to take a certain position, enter an
agreement with a family member or strike a commitment of any kind, especially
when it comes to personal relationships.
One thing for certain is that we cannot apply our goals, standards or
our passions onto another. Expecting a
direct understanding of what our goal is or what needs to be done in our
absence can set us up for disappointment due to the fact that we are all
individuals with different goals, dreams, ways of thinking and living, so we
cannot expect others to put forth the same vigor and energy as we have put
forth, no matter what was agreed.
dangers of assuming
I spoke about in the paragraph above, we cannot set unrealistic expectations
for ourselves or for others. To Hope and
to Dream requires lots of strength, vision as well as imagination and energy on
our part. To put that energy towards a
goal that is not clearly defined can result in self-sabotage. We cannot assume that every goal we set in
relationships, with jobs, with community or with business will work out the way
in which we have planned. There are many
factors in timing, human error, traffic and even weather that can impede these
goals we make.
faith in others is a good thing to have however we must all be weary as we do
not want our valuable time or energy wasted.
A question is how do you view the time you spend? Do you notice lessons within your experiences
from others? Are you a glass half empty
or a glass half full type of folk? Can
you recognize the value in a lesson, even when walking away from a negative
Positive, no matter the outcome not only builds a much solid character, but
teaches you to build in places and in times when others would only see
failure. I can recall these “Drunk
Glasses,” highway patrol officers and other officers would bring to
conventions. We can be just as prepared
in teaching ourselves how to see things and situations through different
lenses. By throwing on your Positive sun
glasses, it is possible be able to view an opportunity or insight others completely
miss. Remaining positive and walking
through all doors with a positive attitude and outlook can yield unexpected and
oftentimes very great rewards.
The Cost and Weight of a simple
yourself, walking through a door to meet family, friends or a significant other
and when you expect a smile, to only be met with a frown or scowling face. No one wants to feel threatened or
uncomfortable when looking for a good opportunity or experience anywhere. Unless
you went to Dicks Last Resort, Ed Debevicks or another establishment where you
expected to be treated like crap, we hope for experiences that begin and end
with a positive note, ones that begin and end with a smile. As I noted in the
last sentence I wrote above in the last paragraph, remaining positive n stuff,
positivity has its rewards and the weight of a genuine smile is always
priceless. By being positive and giving
others a good smile when you are genuinely pleased, it shows gratitude as well
as good hosting.

lessons and things which I have noticed and spoken about in past blogs are not
only beacons of understanding, living, and wellbeing. These writings serve as a lifeline to our
shared humanity, conversations for growth, awareness, building foundations and
sharing values such as Honesty, Truth, Understanding, Positive Growth and Love. These are my attempts to reach many who might
have forgotten the weight of simple things thought not tangible or goals once
before, believed not reachable. These
will be put into a book and from a book hopefully, just hopefully, this guy who
writes “World Help,” publications just might be able to help thousands where
others have failed. I find it only fit
for me to add a poem below. Enjoy…
The elders laugh the joyous laughs we
can hear
Learning new skills without
Making new friends these old folks do,
Shows us how Bravery is as they have
modeled many things before us
Courage is usually observed for heroic
stories and
Timeless anecdotes by those who have escaped death
I do not know if the deer asks “why is
there a fire in the forest.”
What I do know is that by smelling
smoke and noting the direction of wind
It ran as fast as it could while moving
its family to safety
The weight of many thing unseen pulls
down the expecting unexpected
While others do not move in their
stance towards goals projected
As they learned just how strong their
mind is and
Just how weak their body had become
from carrying these invisible objects
With every available skill we have and
know turned toward the horizon
We press on like old Chinese workers in
a room with the first movable type presses
Exited for the outcome and anticipating
the release of something good
The Power I know is attributed to those
who sought to help another achieve for
Knowing much means nothing when one
cannot even meet basic human needs
Open to possibilities we reach further
in waters unknown with another weight… Faith yet
This one is not seen either but
us to get further than thought when our legs fail to move
Choice is in the eyes, actions and lips
of the giver and
The Receiver oftentimes through good
intention, planning and repetition
Also is gifted a chance
When legs fail to move, even the old
dude in the wheelchair can still dance and
The smile he gives to the young child
who also cannot walk yet, spreads
Spreads like the best and only wildfire
we all hope others would let blaze out of control
Understanding in smiles, knowledge,
wisdom and positive words chosen to give as gifts
To get awesome rewards is nice in life
Giving and leaving good vibes and great
things in gifts of smiles wherever we go
Is what it truly means to exist