Tuesday, September 17, 2019

An Odyssey of Creativity and Wisdom: Day 22

one thousand words daily

one thousand words daily: Day 22 – the possibility of

               Due to what I have experienced in my short 38 years, I am one that believes in miracles.   If anyone were to tell me that something weren’t possible or not able to do, I would ignore or out loud say “Bullshit!”   I admit that I myself need to learn a bit more of patience... ok maybe a lot more than a little bit but I am learning, slowly.  I get discouraged, pissed off and think, “damn, why do people have to make the simplest things so got-damn difficult… for no good reason,” but that is just the way in which some systems are designed.  There are systems, laws and other things in societies designed for us to fail, succeed (by their standards of success) as well as systems to keep us stagnant on a perpetual hamster wheel.  Meeting with various folks, I am reminded of “SHABLAM!!!”… the REAL!

real recognize real
               In my upcoming book, The Art to Seasoning Life, I dedicated a whole chapter toward what I dubbed “Originality Takes the Cake,” simply meaning that our uniqueness and originality as an individual is enough fuel to spark the best fires in relationships of all kinds.  By simply being ourselves, we often lend a perspective or as I say, a “perfect ingredient,” to conversations, relationships and even in new business ventures.   That quote from Marianne Williamson comes to mind when it says “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...” yet we are fed these messages  intentionally, subliminally as well as right in our faces, on a daily.

the push-back
               What do we do to combat these negative forces, which I have dubbed “The Opposition?”
We fight back with diligence, patience, focus, truth and this amazing unseen substance called Love is what we do!  Granted that there are countless numbers of imbeciles that have been taught that they have to take from others to survive, thus they only know how to take, Take, TAKE - opposed to building stable foundations for themselves.  I have witnessed many with this mindset fail miserably, no matter how big they perceived themselves to be and no matter how they exerted their perception of power.  In the beginning as well as the end, although it helps some, it does not matter how you start off financially but what your goals are, how you set them and whether or not you are open to “The Possibility of…” My fiancĂ© calls this “The Audacity to do…” which is exactly what it is.

dare to be be audacious
               We must be audacious and courageous when reaching towards our desires and dreams.  When raising a family we are often told that we must “suck it up and get a stable job,” but if you can genuinely do more than others, more than your employers, then you owe it to yourself as well as your family to invest in yourself and shine like the stars that shine down upon all of us.  Anything else would be lying to ourselves, right?  How can we be comfortable, knowing that we can be living a better quality of existence, a much richer life with a lot more potential, open to endless possibilities?   I for one just can’t do that y’all so I’m writing and striving towards perfection, deflecting blows, rolling with the punches and not stumbling across but being fed with amazing blessings I would in no other way have been given or trusted with. 

               I know that I might have touched on the subject of being audacious yet I felt a passion to write about it once more. Matter of fact, I was taking a shit in my makeshift office of Starbucks and kind of got really inspired. Clearing the mind and body have that sort of effect, you know, when you have the inclination to write an important idea down or call someone.  I guess it is time that I shut up now and leave you guys a poem. BTW I go in for surgery soon (Titanium rod replacement and fusing bones, taking one out of my hip and putting it in my lower tibia and fibula) where I will not be able to walk or function like I want but I think that I am ready, although I still feel a bit scared for the reason that they are just too lax about the whole thing.   
               Please pray for me and my family!

Clouds with faces do not blow the fierce winds we perceive
As conditions are now created by us oblivious to the deconstructs of greed
Some believe it bad when wind topples branches or unstable trees yet
There was reason within season as they were possibly not in the right place, us
Misplacing trust and erasing much to create a way of comfort without stepping back
Looking at the whole portrait of Ansel Adams in flesh not just on canvas for
While we plot and plan, Earth reminds how fragile and confined we are and
How flawed a design we can become when taking things for granted
Yet by measuring our own success we walk away with something special
Magic and miracles surface on soils when we never thought at night, it did rain
We notice a wet pavement and through the expectance of morning dew
Many seedlings and spores sprout creating clout is what they do but
We are just as fragile as they
Needing nourishment of all types
Not just moisture, soil and sunlight
Believing and acting on faith, we find a ways of more than one but many a ways to provide
Soaking up realness from gifters not takers while shaking off the fakers
We step forth with proper power showering others with hope and love, we survive

Dare to Achieve

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

An Odyssey of Creativity and Wisdom: Day 21

one thousand words daily

one thousand words daily: Day 21
Understanding, Comraderies and Smiles: Building Right Where We Are

            As if breathing was not simple enough… there are many moments which can force or under pressure, persuade us to slow down, relish in the moment and take stock in.  Being and living in a fast-paced environment can sometimes put a choke hold on our spirit.   I believe that we were designed to work in a community environment where all needs are close by and usually met.  In this journey called existence, it is of utmost importance that we learn to exercise a few goods habits.  There are many things which could help us be more successful, stronger, more intelligent and attractive yet it seems as though more negative habits are passed down than good ones.
            For some, practicing good habits means physical exercise as in physical wellness.  With others, good habits might include eating healthy or being in a healthy relationship, while cutting off poisonous relationships.  Poisonous relationships from home to work have a tendency to sometimes stunt our intellectual as well as spiritual growth.  Maintaining balance with relationships in our social lives, whether it is family or impersonal is crucial for ones well-being.  One of these good habits is surprisingly within our social nature. 

benefits of gaining understandings and finding common ground
            Understanding or yet, ‘the attempt to understand,’ others can often offer the best lessons.  Since we live similar, i.e.; eat, drink and require the same elements for survival, it seems that more individuals should share common ground and easily find it.  Common ground is often shared when ownership is not attached, such a property, land, socio-economic circumstances or the institution of a criterion which acknowledges differences such as the dangerous “isms,” of racism or classism.  When individuals can pay attention to the details of the lives of others and in turn, can empathize with their situation, whether it is success-driven or struggle-ridden, the ability to connect and understand what another has to endure on a situational or daily basis can much easier be realized.  The Truth of the matter is when we understand others, we become more inclined to assist them, thus we do not feel the urgency of need or guilt associated with not helping, but feel more comfortable in executing the task of “lending a helping hand.” 
            Trust is an underlying issue in any relationship, whether familial or business.  Positioning yourself in any situation of education, personal growth, and business growth, growth with family or in a relationship to be ready to trust is a milestone.  Some of us might have been burned or burdened when we decided to take a certain position, enter an agreement with a family member or strike a commitment of any kind, especially when it comes to personal relationships.  One thing for certain is that we cannot apply our goals, standards or our passions onto another.  Expecting a direct understanding of what our goal is or what needs to be done in our absence can set us up for disappointment due to the fact that we are all individuals with different goals, dreams, ways of thinking and living, so we cannot expect others to put forth the same vigor and energy as we have put forth, no matter what was agreed.   

the dangers of assuming
          As I spoke about in the paragraph above, we cannot set unrealistic expectations for ourselves or for others.  To Hope and to Dream requires lots of strength, vision as well as imagination and energy on our part.  To put that energy towards a goal that is not clearly defined can result in self-sabotage.  We cannot assume that every goal we set in relationships, with jobs, with community or with business will work out the way in which we have planned.  There are many factors in timing, human error, traffic and even weather that can impede these goals we make.
            Having faith in others is a good thing to have however we must all be weary as we do not want our valuable time or energy wasted.  A question is how do you view the time you spend?  Do you notice lessons within your experiences from others?  Are you a glass half empty or a glass half full type of folk?  Can you recognize the value in a lesson, even when walking away from a negative experience? 
            Remaining Positive, no matter the outcome not only builds a much solid character, but teaches you to build in places and in times when others would only see failure.  I can recall these “Drunk Glasses,” highway patrol officers and other officers would bring to conventions.  We can be just as prepared in teaching ourselves how to see things and situations through different lenses.  By throwing on your Positive sun glasses, it is possible be able to view an opportunity or insight others completely miss.  Remaining positive and walking through all doors with a positive attitude and outlook can yield unexpected and oftentimes very great rewards.

The Cost and Weight of a simple smile
          Imagine yourself, walking through a door to meet family, friends or a significant other and when you expect a smile, to only be met with a frown or scowling face.  No one wants to feel threatened or uncomfortable when looking for a good opportunity or experience anywhere. Unless you went to Dicks Last Resort, Ed Debevicks or another establishment where you expected to be treated like crap, we hope for experiences that begin and end with a positive note, ones that begin and end with a smile. As I noted in the last sentence I wrote above in the last paragraph, remaining positive n stuff, positivity has its rewards and the weight of a genuine smile is always priceless.   By being positive and giving others a good smile when you are genuinely pleased, it shows gratitude as well as good hosting. 

            When being a guest, this can be a determining factor of being invited back for other meals, events or even business opportunities.  No one wants to be with a “Debbie Downer,” or “Bitter Brian,” that brings negativity to the table. The memory you receive from a person that has a genuine smile can last lifetimes.  If you have noticed, smiles invite others to smile as well just as laughter can often become contagious in the best of ways.  If a person is having a difficult day or find themselves experiencing hard times, the simplest gesture within a grin will not just light up a room with life but light up another person’s life with a sun ray of hope.

            These lessons and things which I have noticed and spoken about in past blogs are not only beacons of understanding, living, and wellbeing.  These writings serve as a lifeline to our shared humanity, conversations for growth, awareness, building foundations and sharing values such as Honesty, Truth, Understanding, Positive Growth and Love.  These are my attempts to reach many who might have forgotten the weight of simple things thought not tangible or goals once before, believed not reachable.  These will be put into a book and from a book hopefully, just hopefully, this guy who writes “World Help,” publications just might be able to help thousands where others have failed.  I find it only fit for me to add a poem below.  Enjoy…

The elders laugh the joyous laughs we can hear
Learning new skills without embarrassment
Making new friends these old folks do,
Shows us how Bravery is as they have modeled many things before us
Courage is usually observed for heroic stories and 
Timeless anecdotes by those who have escaped death
I do not know if the deer asks “why is there a fire in the forest.”
What I do know is that by smelling smoke and noting the direction of wind
It ran as fast as it could while moving its family to safety
The weight of many thing unseen pulls down the expecting unexpected
While others do not move in their stance towards goals projected
As they learned just how strong their mind is and
Just how weak their body had become from carrying these invisible objects
With every available skill we have and know turned toward the horizon
We press on like old Chinese workers in a room with the first movable type presses
Exited for the outcome and anticipating the release of something good
The Power I know is attributed to those who sought to help another achieve for
Knowing much means nothing when one cannot even meet basic human needs
Open to possibilities we reach further in waters unknown with another weight… Faith yet
This one is not seen either but 
Allows us to get further than thought when our legs fail to move
Choice is in the eyes, actions and lips of the giver and
The Receiver oftentimes through good intention, planning and repetition
Also is gifted a chance
When legs fail to move, even the old dude in the wheelchair can still dance and
The smile he gives to the young child who also cannot walk yet, spreads
Spreads like the best and only wildfire we all hope others would let blaze out of control
Understanding in smiles, knowledge, wisdom and positive words chosen to give as gifts
To get awesome rewards is nice in life however
Giving and leaving good vibes and great things in gifts of smiles wherever we go
Is what it truly means to exist