thousand words daily
Day 13: a
calling… and the answer
When someone knocks on our door, our first inclination, our immediate response is to find out who it is and what
they want. The same goes for when our
phones ring. We have a choice, either to
answer or to ignore. Even if we choose to answer, the method and how we
do is what usually determines the outcome.
For many, they wait, ponder, and hopefully, finally they choose
wisely. Sometimes the right direction is
the only direction to move forward, carrying some form of strength,
determination and faith as they answer their callings.
Although it might seem like a simple
answer for some based on hobbies, interests, skills and obvious, noticeable
talents, the path to finding your own niche in life and way of being, your
purpose can prove difficult. For others,
finding and answering a “calling,” as
to put it takes courage, direction, responsibility… the most valuable concept
related to Hope called Faith. First off
the best start to doing something that might possibly seem different than what
others are doing, especially if you are a firm believer in it is getting to
know yourself better, your likes, dislikes as well as recognizing the gifts
given to you, not in physical form but mentally as well as spiritually.
I chose this picture, simply because I like Redwood trees and wanted to get in a few macro shots to see how it would turn out. My decision was self-pleasing however in touch with one of my callings/gifts, which is having an eye for photography. My decision to charge the battery and purposely seek something I wanted to capture on camera served multiple purposes. These purposes are in effect right now as part of me writing this blog. Purpose, in having one becomes more important as an induvidual grows older, seeking meaning in their lives as well as constantly adding meaning and value to the world around them through understandings.
Personally speaking, getting to know
my “new,” self is an adventure, as I struggle to with things I can as well as
can no longer do. Many of the
blessings/gifts which I have received, I have to be realistic whether I can do them
or not. Shiiiiet, I’m struggling now
just to stay awake to type these ‘one thousand words daily,” in the library, as
I’ve been slackin on my days, out of gas as well as money for food to eat. The local church meetings have supplied us
with food each day, as long as I have enough gas to make it there. Many gifts I have, discernments, skills,
talents all God-given gifts to share with others now need to be on hold. Now tell me… what do you do or say when
divine hands reach down and give you a gift(s) some would kill, even die for?
erase doubts
Automatically we question, trying
our best in our understanding, to determine whether or not this gift, these
gifts or calling is meant for us. When
told and conditioned what our possibilities lay, by brainwashed teachers,
clergy as well as workplace supervisors, we can often “pass off,” what is only
meant for us to receive, as “noo, that’s not mine.” Sometimes a co-worker, supposed friend or
family member takes what you’ve shown them and decides to run with it as if the
idea was solely theirs. Oftentimes
individuals intercede in what you are meant to do by interjecting what they
believe you should be doing with your valuable time. Sometimes we might not feel as if we are in
the right financial, social place, or state of mind to reach the set
accomplishment, even when it is us with the dream and us which ultimately sets the
My choice is to slow down on these
here “one thousand words daily,” blog posts in order to focus more of my time
on book projects that need to be completed.
Another choice I am making is in seeking out known magazines and
periodicals to write for, something which generates some reasonable income. Things are different when your calling is
simply help others and life in general in many capacities, when it is yourself
that needs help and your life that needs to be saved. The good news is spiritually, I feel better
about exactly who I am and physically, I have learned to accept that I might
never again go on a long hike, climb mountains, and that people are what and
who they are, that empathy cannot be persuaded or taught, only modeled. Having
high expectations is a good thing, especially for ones’ relief and wellbeing
however it is unrealistic to expect others to magically acquire the same
values, morals and habits as you have, no matter how long you have known
how do you answser?
How do you answer a calling and how
do you know that you have been given one?
This is a difficult question, although I’m not going to look anything up
to help, just shoot the shit as I often do.
I recall a couple of times when I received a questionnaire, which helps
determine which job path that you would be better suited for. I recall, as I was asked to give one of these
to some homeless youth I used to counsel, how narrow the results would be. In other words, I quickly noticed how there were
so many professions and jobs left out of this fucking survey, that not only the
kids, but I was also a bit pissed off and discouraged. I remember that it felt like a huge waste of
time and effort and that if anyone truly wanted to help, they would counsel
each kid, look at their strengths, weaknesses as well as their priceless dreams
as viable answers to who they could possibly become in the work world. I was recently told to do this by one of my
family members and the only thing they were concerned with was… “Did I make the
How we answer our calling is completely up to us. What others perceive of us is solely up to
them. In some instances a calling
might come creeping out once you find a task or skill that you wouldn’t mind
doing for a very long time. Oftentimes a
calling you receive can be a solution and benefit to others as well. I am told that when given a gift, we are to
share the gift with others, especially if it brightens their day and helps
improve any facet of the quality of life they seek to gain. If you have faith in the unexplained, then
sometimes calling you get can come to you in waves of gifts or discernments,
ways in which you excel as a human being; for instance, drawing, photography,
building, counseling, public speaking, writing or a knack for engineering and
fixing things.
One way to answer a calling involves a bit of trial and
error however, when you are sent a task and you, yes you seem to be the only
one able to do the job, that is one clue.
Another clue to your calling might be a natural ability that grows although
you feel as though you have not practiced or polished the craft of which you
are working. A way to ignore a calling is to refute everything about yourself
that you know to be true and undeniable.
By knowing yourself, you may be able to direct your life-path, not just
simply upon what “feels good and right,” but what you know to be right within
yourself. Although others might notice a
change in you or hype you up about some amazing ability which you have that
they have seen, only you know if that is what you are supposed to be doing at
the moment, and for life! Some pray to
get a sense, asking their higher power for guidance and direction while others
prefer aptitude tests or simply ask others to help them fulfil their niche by
hiring them for the occupations and duties they desire. Poem posted below…
am told that under bridges that are both unseen and visible
creatures with ghastly features waiting to cross our desired paths
many holding no weapon but book, the only sword, yet no small knife to stab
grandma and grandpa knew well, the way of opposition just as
wise folks, which still hold tight to childhood and teenage dreams
in no way will allow such priceless things such as imagination to perish
their valuable time to spend with the able youth we see and teach truths
their time being vigorous has passed
stories are enthusiastically told about the times and memories they still hold
desperately to gift the armor they have once used in love spoken not abused
us that a bridge does exist no matter what desired path you choose and
to shove that sword strategically and deep into that bridge-troll’s ribs
Under Bridges
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