Tuesday, August 28, 2018

An Odyssey of Creativity and Wisdom: Day 12

one thousand words daily

Day 12: creatures of habit
     Whether inherent or purpose-driven, we all learn and develop habits and patterns upon action.  Once we try something and it works, we tend to stick to it like gum to a shoe, just as well as people we choose to involve in our lives.  Some habits are good habits, the best method chosen by us to get the things we need, done.  Some habits are destructful, unsafe and unhealthy, yet for us it is the choice we’ve made which we’re either comfortable or not completely comfortable with. Other habits are revered by those that know us and might be building us as well as others we know up positively.

            I chose a picture of me up top with a blunt in my hat, once which either held cannabis or one I unrolled to re-roll a little tobacco cigarette.  This to me is one vice, not exactly blunts, but tobacco products in general.  Habit forming can be either physical or psychological and even both.  Some habits die fast while others, due to addiction or convenience often prove difficult to shake, like a large, heavy apple jug filled with of coins.  Collecting coins is a good thing though.  Collecting  bad habits can prove destructive and oftentimes fatal, such as driving fast or driving without a seatbelt.

            Sometimes it is an action or decision that forces us to shift the way we think or sometimes it is a personal choice we’ve made without influence.  I for one have learned that eating too much salt, just might kill a brotha.  I like eating out as much as anyone that can afford the opportunity but there are some things that I cannot eat.  For instance, when I have pizza at a family gathering or church gathering, I have to consider the salt factor and turn it down.  I can no longer assume that the food “looks okay,” and that it might not make me feel sick.

             I had to take a pro-active stance in my own well-being and monitor the food I’m offered as well as what I choose to buy at the local grocery stores.  I’m not fortunate enough at this time to eat everything and buy everything I need due to my financial circumstances yet I still hold choice to say no thank you and tell myself “Hell-to-the-No!”  The same goes for the way and patterns I exhibit among others.   For instance, when my ten year old son visits, his diet is different than mine.  His mother, after meeting a new man, decided to go completely vegan.  This I have small problems with, especially since he is a growing boy and we have noticed that he gets cold fast in a warmed swimming pool.

            I attribute this to him lacking the proper nutrition.  I have also noticed how she polices him to a “T”, yet lets her other children run amok and be disrespectful.  Aside from him not having his own personal toys at age ten and him afraid to bring things home because they will get broken by his little brother, I have some issues to address or else I see them negatively impact my boy, as well as eat away at me.  While I get the opportunity to spend time with him, what I can do is show him the positivity, love and encouragement he seeks and at the same time allowing him the freedom with guidance necessary for healthy development.  I remember when I wasn’t such a happy kid and that’s what our goal should be… to make it so our kids know it better than we do, get shown love beyond what we were shown, without the pain and unnecessary struggles. 
            One bad habit I had to shake along with others such as cigarettes was complaining.  I made a nasty habit out of complaining.  It is not that the complaints weren’t warranted, it is that they served no purpose.  For one, no one wants to hear me complaining, yes folks will listen but who wants to hear negativity so much when there’s already enough of that everywhere?  I for one was told by my fiancé as well as my mother.

a needed change within
             I had no idea that I had become some bitter muthafucka, complaining about every pain, ache, injustices and things which at the moment I had no control over.  Yes we can do many things to change our situation as well as the world around us however there are methods that prove more effective than others.  There is also a time and a place for everything.  For one I had to realize that in spite of the injustices which occur that “no one owes me anything.”  I also had to realize that I was not the only one in that situation and that if I wanted to change things on a grander scale, that I had to scale down my approach and organize, perhaps contacting the right folks and being the right presence, as well as in the right state of mind.

            Quitting cigarettes is something that I have been struggling with a bit, yet they make me feel sick, nauseous, and I had some strange growths and I know that free radicals, such as the ones found in processed food and tobacco might have been the cause.  My uncle had emphysema, asthma and my grandpa John passed from too much tobacco use.   I’m still healing from the recent surgery I just had Monday to remove them, finding good sleep has been a bitch, but I’m forever thankful I don’t have those painful lumps anymore.  It was a quick surgery, only an hour but I suspect there is one more (an itchy son of a gun I tell ya) in there as I have told them.  We will see what happens after more tests and junk.

for the future
            Developing good habits benefits our children as well.  I know we might not think about it but everything we say and do, directly affects our children and the quality of life we hope to give them.  My son has developed healthy eating habits because of his mother as well as because of how I chose to feed him.  My issue is, is he getting the proper nutrition he needs being a vegan?  My father had some input on the subject, such as I should not discourage him from the healthy education he is getting, which is contrary from the heavy consumption messages fed to us through media in commercials and TV. These messages tend to advocate what the companies want, not necessarily what we in fact need.  
            My thing is, my son isn’t going to get obese if we let him have a slice of non-gluten free cake with sugar in it… on his fucking birthday alright!  At the same time I acknowledge that we are creatures of habit and I see what happens when children later rebel.  The last thing I want is for my son to reject everything he was taught, simply because he was forced and brainwashed a certain way.  I see all of the good and the bad shit and right now I am not a happy pappy.  Matter of fact; let me call my son and his… not so understanding and yielding mom now.  "Everything in moderation," my beautiful wife to be reminds me.  I wish you Persistence, Prosperity, Purpose, Patience and Inner-Peace y’all.  Poem below!

Crows circle in skies then rain down in sideways torrents
Raiding the unsuspecting nest, picking to shreds
Baby birds within and out of eggs another failed to protect
While we too move in obvious directions
Repeating patters both positive while trying to blot out the negative
For the purpose of pleasure, want, necessity and for some, simple addictions and sex but
Do we too neglect our once carefully watered seeds?
Do we tend to go with the flow of things as we are expected yet
Become blinded to the point we fail to stand for truths, leading to neglect?
As our purpose solidifies furthermore in more than just our own mind’s eye
We raise fists, as well as the future against forces unseen and
In-between struggle and the hustle both understandings do collide
When we begin to place trust and love in the spot where we once placed pride
Hope then beams from unstoppable rays like the Sahara sun
Drying up the lies while rich aquifers flow underneath shifting sands
Dismembering lies while bringing abundance into everyone’s lives
Learning as many times it takes to heal within and properly provide
Bringing abundance in gift form contrary to the norm with sword by our sides
Replacing a vice with habitual healthy tasks which last for legacies
For no parasite or scavenger to grab with ease while simply flying by

Winged Habits

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