Tuesday, October 2, 2018

An Odyssey of Creativity and Wisdom Day 14

one thousand words daily
One day I had to force myself to take a walk for clarity and came upon this olive tree in a front yard.
"Perpetual peace is indicated by an olive branch which the dove brought with it when it returned to the ark."
~ St. Augustine

Day 14:
focus, clarity and the realizations that stuff brings
            I believe in many things. One belief is that all of us would like to live to our full capacity when it concerns doing what we to have a little more after we make ends meet, do what we need to accomplish for self-satisfaction as well as to do what we are meant to in our lifetimes.  I like to think that I am a sort of reminder of sorts, one who guides others towards their potential, kind of like a life coach, except without getting directly paid in cash for it.  I would love to get paid for it but that is now what I have been doing.  Holistically as well as spiritually I see myself as a conduit, an avenue for the growth of others, one who directs, counsels and leads others towards success.  Recently I have found that I am not “reminder,” as I need to be.  In fact I have found that it is I that has needed the reminding.  I need reminders for how to take better care of my physical, mental as well as spiritual self. 
            To be one who is supposed to be carrying the water for the next in terms of nourishment or leading one to it, and being a path/conduit to aid in that flow of richness, to find myself needing the reminding has been a real trip.  Being humbled in a good way is a constant thing if we are open to the challenge of learning, however to slip and get humbled due to unfortunate circumstances, please believe, has its share of surprises.  Fortunately it has been more positive experiences than negative that continue to ground me.  Well, I can look at any of the instances in a negative light however it is undeniable how things happen as well as how things get worked out.  One thing for sure is that entering each circumstance and challenge through eyes of faith has determined the outcome.
In the er again, but they said "it's all good, don't trip, here are some pills..." lol

taking that cautious step back
            Upon helping others with their health needs, I am reminded of how I need to focus on myself in a more serious light and take a stance when it comes to “Exactly what it is I ought to do.”  Trying to inspire the creative side of others as well as in listening better to what others I have discovered, I have recently opened up a new found fire for writing as well as with art.  In taking care of others I have found how I need to be in the healthiest of conditions in order to be there physically (and not die or something) for those I love that rely on me from my fiancĂ© to my children.  Some work so hard in order to provide for the ones they love, killing themselves slowly. Their mental mind state is on edge, blood pressure rises, the body slowly takes a toll and health begins to deteriorate and they become, naturally, by a cold society, bled completely dry and used up to useless for the ones they love.

            This type of drive can be good if focused as well as fed positively yet sometimes this can result in a loved one growing unattached as in divorcing or even sometimes can result to stress-induced early deaths.  I refuse to “go out like that,” and I suggest that everyone find a path that serves as both productive as well as healthy for all affected.  Re-evaluating often needs to happen, reality checks, checking oneself or perhaps simply listening closer to the wisdom from those who care about us. By doing this, focus is regained and perspective is broadened, eyes opened to newer possibilities and/or chances for growth sprout like seedlings awaiting those first drops of fall rain.  To share my personal experience, I find I need to fight for my health and life when it comes to being served in a timely manner by medical professionals, as I have discovered not everyone is as professional as I am or have been in the realm of helping others. I have had to be more than proactive and concerned by demanding what I deserve on all life fronts!
Who is this funny lookin dude?

Son and Pops, the teacher swimming together.

cultivation station… (across the nation n stuff)
            As I have mentioned above, cultivation is something which we should consider when it comes to wholesome lifestyle as well as personal wellness. For myself I have put some water and fertilizer on some talents that I have not forgotten about but have put on the backburner, or for farming and gardening sake, in the compost bin but have forgotten to turn it or add it to the soil already existing.  Realizations occur, such as I have had to admit that in the past I have been too nice, to the wrong kind.  I have also failed to surround myself with the right kind and as a head of a family; this can be a serious issue to those that depend on us.  So as I type this beating out “The Jacka,” my flow is relaxed and I find the proper words to give you the real.
            In prayer and meditation I have been able to focus on the talents and loved ones that need that “watering.” Sometimes when there are clouds ahead that refuse to produce we need to find a good, viable water source and can no longer wait for rain.  I have re-discovered my artistic abilities in drawing, beat making, rapping, writing songs and it’s on.  On top of that I have been waking up from dreams, writing down the ideas as well as have had melodies from dreams on my mind as I wake.  When your subconscious speaks to you and especially when your higher source, whether it be your scientific analysis or for me, God, “you better listen, speak up and answer,” shoooot!
picture uncertain to picture perfect enough for the right stuff
            If we fail to get the memo, the very things we forget will grow like weeds, strange diseases with no seeming cure like an unexpected deadly cancer.  Sometimes separation from the situation and looking at “what exactly it is…” from different eyes can gift you a growing surprise.  Some things we have to let go while others require more focus… and it’s just like that, deductive reasoning with guidance and faith and proper pampering, treating, and action while believing it can be accomplished at its best. How you choose to cultivate depends on you if you need to do any at all.  All I can do now is show you to the water.  Whether you drink the reverse osmosis for your psychosis and obtain nourishment and positivity from it is up to you. Below is a poem for your enjoyment and review. 

Lost souls and waiting ones, spirits that do not yet know the warmth of bright light
Watch us folly and fail time and time again slapping their foreheads in agony and irritation
As we think we are forgotten as others no longer here we can in no way evade from our thoughts
For some, what is not seen is better than the reality they hope to never encounter but
How can we begin to discover what needs attention when we have not lost enough to learn
We cannot begin to neglect the very soil under our feet any longer nor
Can we fail to acknowledge the weeping skies above our lowered heads?
While there lies a balance between ignorance, knowledge, wisdom and what to discern
To acquire not just the nourishment needed for all but
To ignite the passions and gladness that overcomes the sadness and pain that burns when
All we need to do is find the proper water that helps our blood flow ripe through veins
Encountering gold in the streams while feeding the child within that remains
Discovering talents, resolutions and cultivating all which helps us break the mold
Walking along streams with those we care for finding other footsteps in mud and
At the same time floating petals, fresh water for burning kettles and gold for…
Only we can define and appraise what is precious for the heart as well as soul

Perfect Appraisal

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