Wednesday, October 31, 2018

An Odyssey of Creativity and Wisdom Day 18

one thousand words daily

I took these shots from Bilal's video "Soul Sister,"
and many years ago vowed that when I got my place, that this would be the wall art

Day: 18 – there is no apology for existing nor should there be.
if there wereyou would never find this man doing so or following in any behavior that belittles or shames the gift of my complicated being.
–S.M. Black

            Life is Beautiful, and Black, will Always be the “New Black.” Black will never go out of style and…
Black Will Be Forever Beautiful!
our reality
            Imagine being told not to love by default, that love, just as mercy and empathy, which should course through our consciousness, is instead taught to you as being weaknesses instead of important threads which hold humanity and communities of people together?  Imagine the whole society you grew up in from place to place reminds you that no matter what, you will not matter if you do not jump exactly how they jump and that beauty is only determined by the famous, Hollywood, or an ideal standard. Imagine being constantly being fed images and messages that riches is only worth the family that you are from, that yours does not matter, and that people, as in the general public do not care what goes on with your family, that they might be part of the “problems,” we all face.  Imagine your teachers telling you that covertly as well as in straight forward ways?  This is the past and present which I contend with, with every breath, all of the time. This is the future that I will fight for my unborn child as well as the beautiful children I have here facing such opposition now! 
 a simplified response
            This is in response to the opposition which is the opposite of what I talk about and do.  I love others to the point where it somehow ends up biting me in the ass however I fear no one nor do I fear anything crawling, flying or manifesting!  Thus this is a direct assault against ignorance, lack of justice, lack of empathy, Evil and Hate!  Days ago a Jewish synagogue was bombed and many lost people they loved dear.  Folks were just going to worship God in their own way, to be taken out by the opposition of love, hate!  If you hate another person or hate yourself for any reason, stop now!  My longer response, I’m saving for a book.

the task that gives
            Forgiving others, or on the road to do so does not mean that you have to forget your transgressors, just simply forgive (which ain’t that simple sometimes), which is logical to do since we are not perfect and will never be.   Don’t for one moment think that I will fail to defend my own family or that I might forget the folly’s folks do against us.  Will I hate them for their ignorance? No, I will not.  Instead I will remind them in my own ways, fighting in many common ways others do, which do not include violence if it can be avoided. 
            Some protest, some run for office and organize while I will speak and write truths and stories many purposely choose to forget or leave out for one reason or another.  Should I hate my political system for their lack of effort and blind eyes? No, I will love, refuse to turn the other cheek this time, and fight with all of my might, the wheels of justice, while offering community, togetherness and love, silencing hate in the process.  No matter who you are, I feel it is of utmost importance for you to feel comfortable being the person you were crafted to be.  We were once taught that our environment alone is to be attributed to the dynamic individuals we are today.  What we have learned since, thanks to genetics, studies in sociology as well as from observation is that who we are and how we have become is a lot deeper than many can comprehend. 
our existence
            The miracle life is more precious than all of the riches any king can even dream of having for himself or his lands.  Life just as time cannot be taken back no matter how much we try to manipulate it.  Just like when we throw a dart to a dart board, there is a target and once it leaves our hand, no matter how we aim it, it will travel and hit somewhere.   Such is the gift of life.  But what exactly do we do when we are fed messages that we don’t matter, that our struggles are in vain and that our own very lives are but to be “Units of Production,” and can at any time be compromised?  When we experience such opposition at the workplace, we either decide to stay and endure the abuse, assuming that this is normal to be “Let go,” at any given time since we are told that “we are replaceable!,” or we look for work elsewhere in a better environment when we find the time.   You and I… we are unique in every facet of our being, in who we are as well as in what we can accomplish alone but most definitely for what we can accomplish together. 

            Remember that you are no accident, that it takes some special type of love to grow.  As I have stated many times, even the weeds that grow in-between the cracks in concrete need the love of water or morning dew to sprout forth.  What happens when there is no water?  Those weeds eventually die, withering dry and blowing away before even being able to sprout seeds of their own. We all require some sort of opportunity or chance in order to stay alive.  To be able to believe what you want to believe, achieve what you want to achieve, and think what you want to think without the negativity and backlash associated with failure, pain, and misunderstanding, sometimes we are forced to fight.  Luckily for many, love has conquered more in sharing thoughts, feelings, dreams as well as financial insights than all of the bombs ever launched, bullets that have left barrels of guns, arrows shot and swords wielded.
            For the sake of being you, I toast to all of your dreams accomplished, all of your successes known as well as personal, as well as toast to the wellness I hope for all of you to have, in life as well as in having a healthy and happy family. I for one find myself having to fight for myself constantly as well as for the young family I must protect and watch out for in many ways.  My son is with his mother this Halloween and thus, due to her new beliefs, she will not be taking the children trick of treating.  I am not okay with her decision yet I am powerless at this point to do anything about it.  What I can do is send all of my love to my son until we meet soon.  I’ll include a poem for you below to add to the flow.  Enjoy and have a happy as well as a safe Halloween!

On this night of all hallows, many we cannot see will venture out and thrive
As spirits once loved have visited on their day of the dead
Pagans practice with their squashes while some Christians watch in horror
Children grab candies while some grab children giving tricks instead, yet
We become afraid of the monsters we know of that we can in no way control
Remembering well the transgressions and actions which cannot be reversed
But who truly knows the current cost and weight of the human soul?
While many cover themselves with costumes to allow their wild side to break about
Others let out the ugliness inside as well as the true them that they can no longer hide
Becoming as wild as wild they believe they can get away with
Drinking spirits while taunting ones as well that the wise know better than to play with
We when lonely seeking kindred souls when lonely to hold close and lay with
Can we become more aware of our impact on our planet and others than what is expected?
Truth stands as tall monuments just as tall trees do after wildfire has passed through
Tall and dark without branches some still stand sadly to remind of times past
Igniting fires in the heart as a start along with the jack-o-lantern flame tonight I hope
With lives that pass between the eyes during our existence leave a deep impact
Eventually as ours also with memory does not leave with merely ashes and smoke
So we condition ourselves accordingly in a world filled with patterns, and repetition
Creating community with no void nor distance can suggest
Giving light to dark situations with understanding, positivity and love as our mission

All Hallow's Reach

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